The Dow Jones Utility Average recently bounced off it's 200 day moving average so I decided to see if I could find an ETF that tracks the DJUA. What I found was the following iShare product:
Dow Jones U.S. Utilities Sector Index Fund (IDU)
Top Holdings* (Daily) as of 2/22/2006
7.95% Exelon Corp
5.30% Dominion Resources Inc
5.26% Southern Co (The)
5.22% Duke Energy Corp
4.69% TXU Corp
3.47% FirstEnergy Corp
3.43% Public Service Enterprise Group Inc
3.16% FPL Group Inc
3.13% Entergy Corp
2.92% PG&E Corp
*Holdings are subject to change. Check the IShares site for current info.
Top Sectors as of 2/22/2006
75.93% Electricity
23.61% Gas, Water & Multiutilities
It appears to mimic the Dow Jones Utility Average quite accurately and has good average daily volume of nearly 77,000 shares per day.