Tuesday, November 30

Another Big Day For Silver ETFs

The Silver ETF - SLV closed up 89 cents (3.35%) after being up over $1 earlier in the day. In the past few days SLV had retested the 20 day simple moving average and again found support at that level. These $1+ moves are something that metals traders haven't seen in many years but are becoming increasingly common as this bull market wears on.

Junior Gold Stocks - GDXJ was the second strongest non-leveraged ETF up 2.72%

The Silver Miners - SIL was up 1.95% on the day

The Gold ETF - GLD was up 1.42% while the Gold Mining ETF - GDX was up only 1.07%

The Double Silver ETF - AGQ was once again the superstar up a whopping 6.65% today and nearly 120% since the rally began the 3rd week of August.

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